We wanted to make something for our friends and family so they could enjoy our new best friend with us, no matter how far away they are! With that and much ado, introducing Rayleigh Jo!

Monday, May 12, 2008

New and Uncharted Lands

We're now adventuring out into the exciting world of ... upstairs! Didn't like that much at first, but getting the hang of it. She's sleeping up here next to my desk as I write this. She'll even walk around and explore a bit if Mom and Dad lead the way.

Also getting used to riding in the car, we took her for her Rabies and she was up and about in the back seat, not the normal doggie statue. Time for a doggie seat belt!

Finals will be over this week, exciting as we will then have more time to spend with Princess. Crate training is still in the works. She doesn't mind going in the crate for bed, but when we let her out half way through the night, she's not exactly interested in getting back in. And we're so tired and stressed with finals, we normally cave and don't make her. But with school ending, we will have more time to sit up and listen to some heart moving whimpering.

Another interesting development is that her ears stand up now ("like a dingo," as Mike says).

Several have asked about her name: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Rayleigh. We're taking optics nerdery to a whole new level I guess!

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